Seeing a chiropractor for the first time will entail a little bit more than your following visits.
When you arrive, you'll be given a free consultation. Our chiropractors use this as the time to answer any of your questions and ask some of our own. We will want to gather as much information about what you're experiencing before we begin any treatment.
Some of the main questions we ask all of our potential patients include:
- When did your pain start?
- Were you involved in an Accident?
- What makes your pain worse?
- Does anything make your pain better?
- Can you describe your pain?
- Is your pain continuous?
Once the chiropractor has an understanding of your medical history, they will need to complete an in-depth physical examination to evaluate your muscle tone and strength, balance, and range of motion. After these tests are finished you will be given a serious of x-rays to complete the exam process.
When your exam is over, the chiropractor will be able to come up with a specialized treatment plan based upon their exam findings.