Truck Accidents are a leading cause of personal injury in Decatur, Georgia.
Because of the immense size and weight of trucks, accidents involving passenger cars usually result in severe injures, usually to the back or neck.
When a commercial truck collides with a passenger vehicle, it's usually bad for the driver and passengers of the passenger vehicle.
Severe injury and death frequently occur in accidents involving semi-trucks.
The injuries sustained in these accidents impact the lives of the victims for years after the accident, causing chronic pain and reduced mobility.
Luckily, some of the most common injuries suffered in truck accidents can be treated with chiropractic care.
Here are The Most Dangerous Areas For Car Accidents in Decatur, Ga.
In the article below, we will take a look at some of the injuries that can be treated by your chiropractor in Decatur after an accident with a semi-truck.
Table of Contents
- Back and Spinal Cord Injuries
- Neck Injuries
- Why You Should Visit The Arrowhead Clinic of Decatur After A Truck Accident
Back and Spinal Cord Injuries
Back pain is very common in people who have been involved in a truck accident.
A significant concern with back pain is the spinal cord. Damage to the spinal cord could be severe.
Paralysis can even occur due to severe back and spinal injuries.
An injury that isn't quite as severe but just as painful is chronic back pain.
Chronic pain is likely the most common symptom of truck accident victims with back injuries.
The source of the pain is usually in the lower back, and the injury can be caused by strains, twists, or a herniated disc.
In addition to chronic pain, these injuries can also limit mobility and require surgery if left untreated for an extended period.
Neck Injuries
Whiplash is one of the most common neck injuries sustained in truck accidents.
Whiplash is a serious injury, and if it is left untreated, whiplash can cause unbearable chronic pain.
Whiplash is caused by an impact with another vehicle, like a semi-truck.
The jerking motion of the head is caused by the acceleration and rapid deceleration of the neck forward and backward due to impact, causing a strain on the muscles around the cervical spine.
In addition to pain, symptoms of whiplash can also include headaches and dizziness.
Why You Should Visit The Arrowhead Clinic of Decatur After A Truck Accident
Our Decatur, GA Car Accident Chiropractor has been treating victims of truck accident injuries for years.
The Arrowhead Clinic creates specialized treatments tailored to fit each patient's medical needs perfectly.
Each truck accident is different, so chiropractic treatment should not be the same for every person.
Arrowhead Clinic of Decatur strives to address each unique condition presented to us by our patients.
We will work tirelessly to heal all of our patients by evaluating each individual's injury and pain levels.
Additionally, we will provide documentation to your lawyer and the insurance companies.
Proof of your injuries and medical treatment will help insurance companies and attorneys find the proper resolution for your injury claim.
The Arrowhead Clinic of Decatur will help you recover physically as well as financially.
If you or someone you know has suffered neck, back, or spinal injuries in a truck accident, you are entitled to a Free Injury Consultation with the Arrowhead Clinic.
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