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Plethora of Problems, Single Solution
Plethora of Problems, Single Solution
There is often confusion revolving around the field of chiropractic care.
Typically, people know that chiropractors are health care providers, but need to be more informed about what sorts of ailments chiropractic care professionals may alleviate.
Chiropractors are medical professionals dealing with the body's more mechanical aspects.
It is a safe, noninvasive form of treatment since they do not prescribe medication or perform surgeries.
Chiropractic adjustments are the direct manipulation of the body to resolve any conditions.
They most commonly deal with a person's neck and back.
However, in what capacity are these professionals dealing with the neck, back and the entire body?
It's a valid question that only some people know the answer to. There is a multitude of types of conditions that might be surprising conditions most people wouldn't think would be associated with a misaligned spine. Still, they can severely affect your quality of life.
The following common complaints are conditions chiropractors can address to have a positive impact:
- Poor blood circulation,
- Respiratory function
- Tension headaches/Migraine headaches
- Poor sleep
- Hormone issues/Infertility issues
- Muscle tightness
- Heart disease
- Regulating blood pressure
- Bad posture
- Shoulder pain/Hip pain/Joint pain/Knee pain/Jaw pain
The goal of chiropractic care is to address your whole-body health and whatever alignment you may be facing offering pain relief and hopes of resolving many of these underlying issues that often lead to chronic pain people face daily.
Starting with noninvasive treatment is a smart and effective care option for these common issues with the overall goal of improved quality of life.
As a result, Arrowhead Clinic Decatur has provided this list of five common ailments that chiropractors deal with daily.
Sciatica is a condition that affects the lower back.
Sciatica occurs when there is compression placed upon the sciatic nerve.
The sciatic nerve is located in the lower back, and it communicates from the lower back, through the buttocks, and down through the lower portion of the body.
Sciatica is a very specific lower back pain resulting from a pinched nerve.
The pain can occur anywhere along the sciatic nerve and vary from condition to condition.
Sometimes the pain can manifest as a dull ache, and other times it appears as sharp pangs.
Thankfully sciatica is very treatable and is one of the more common ailments that chiropractors deal with daily.
Any number of things can cause sciatica.
In extreme cases, it can result from complications due to diabetes or pressure from a tumor.
However, more often than not, these are not the case.
Many sciatica occurrences can be relieved with simple treatments and visits to your local chiropractic care clinic.
Everyone has heard of whiplash. It is commonly associated with automobile injuries and has a terrible stigma of being used as an excuse to make a lawsuit.
However, regardless of this unfortunate stigma, it is a legitimate condition that does require medical attention.
Whiplash is the hyperextension of the neck.
It is so common in car accidents because the sudden stopping of the car forces the head forward.
Thankfully many cases of whiplash are treatable with chiropractic treatments.
However, after receiving an injury that could result in whiplash, one should visit a chiropractor for a thorough examination and advice on a treatment method.
Disk Herniation
The spine is composed of three different parts.
At the core of the spine lies the spinal cord.
The spinal cord is the central line that transports messages from the brain to the rest of the body. It is essential for optimum bodily functions.
That is why it needs protection.
The spinal cord is surrounded by vertebrae, small stackable bones that line the spinal cord.
These bones are separated from each other by paddings called disks.
These disks are composed of two parts, an outer annulus, and an inner nucleus.
A herniated disk occurs when a tear in the annulus and part of the jellylike nucleus pushes itself through.
Often this condition does not even have symptoms.
If it occurs near a nerve or a sensitive area, pain, weakness, or numbness can take place.
Thankfully, many occurrences of a slipped disk can be treated without surgery.
Sports and Work Injuries
A lot of chiropractic care is sought after an unfortunate occurrence at work or a sports injury.
Logically this makes sense.
Chiropractic care does not rely on surgery or medications, which need a significant amount of time to allow the patient to return to normal.
However, because chiropractic care does not implement such practices, it may offer a quicker recovery alternative.
Conditions from a highly physical occupation such as sports or other jobs can vary as widely as swollen muscles to sprains or fractures and everything in between.
These activities can take quite a toll on the human body and need to be adequately taken care of to allow the body to continue to function in such a way.
As a general rule, if you are concerned about your health in any capacity, it is always a good idea to seek out the opinion of a medical professional.
This is especially true if you are experiencing chronic pain that will not go away.
Chiropractic techniques are a great place to start your inquiries concerning medical conditions.
They can thoroughly examine and advise you on the best way to proceed to make the most complete recovery possible.
Neck and Back Pain
Sometimes, you wake up feeling aches and pains for seemingly no reason.
That's not surprising. The human body is incredibly dynamic and responds to countless stimuli that we are not even consciously aware of.
The body is constantly working and responding.
It would stand to reason that occasionally random aches and pains occur.
If you are ever concerned about such occurrences, there is never any harm in seeking out professional help.
Why Arrowhead Clinic Decatur?
Here at Arrowhead Clinic Decatur, we will be happy to give you the type of treatment personalized for your body for optimum recovery, and potentially alleviate other health concerns that are correlated. With the wide variety of health conditions, chiropractic treatment can help through routine adjustments; putting your entire body in the proper position is worth it.
Consider visiting a chiropractor for treatment at Arrowhead Clinic anytime you feel aches, pains, or any other physical condition that you think needs extra help.
Here at Arrowhead Clinic Decatur, we will be more than happy to give you the type of treatment personalized for your body for optimum recovery.