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What Are The Most Common Whiplash Injuries in McDonough?

Many circumstances can lead to Whiplash Injuries.


Whiplash occurs when there is a force applied to the neck that causes movement beyond the neck's normal range of motion. 


Whiplash causes the neck to move violently back and forth, similar to the cracking of a whip.


When that happens, the neck muscles and ligaments are pulled, which causes a whiplash injury to occur. 



In the article below, we will discuss several ways whiplash injuries occur to our patients in McDonough, GA.



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Rear-End Collisions 

Rear-end car collisions are perhaps the most common way for someone to suffer from a whiplash injury.


Even when a motor vehicle is moving at relatively slow speeds, if it is hit from behind by another vehicle, soft tissue damage to the neck is likely to occur due to the force of the impact.


The unexpected force from behind that's exerted on the body will cause the head to be thrown backward and then quickly forward, the recipe for whiplash.


When this sometimes violent and forceful movement occurs, the soft tissues in the neck and the cervical spine are very likely to become damaged. 


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Slip and Fall Whiplash Treatment in McDonough, GA

Slip and Falls 

Whiplash injuries also frequently occur in slip and fall accidents. 


Slip and fall accidents can anywhere, but especially on uneven or wet floors.


When a person slips or trips and falls into something or hits the floor or ground, the impact can cause soft tissue damage to the ligaments and tendons of the neck. 


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Sports Injury 

Whiplash injuries are particularly common in contact sports, such as football, rugby, and mixed martial arts.


The acceleration and sudden deceleration forces associated with whiplash injuries can be experienced in various sporting scenarios. 


Whiplash injuries often occur during an impact between two athletes, or when one athlete is thrown to the ground or hits another object.


In some sports, it's common for athletes to be at risk for a whiplash injury on a daily basis. 


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What To Do If You Suffer a Whiplash Injury 

If you think you're suffering from whiplash, it's crucial to your recovery to visit a Chiropractor as soon as possible. 


Whiplash Injuries can cause pain and discomfort to the neck, upper back, and shoulders.


But in some cases, symptoms of whiplash may take hours or even days after the accident to become apparent. 


This often leads to a doctor's appointment being put off due to a lack of pain immediately following the accident.


But the longer whiplash is left untreated, the worse it can get. 


And, when some victims finally begin to experience pain from the whiplash injury, it's been so long that they don't associate the pain with the accident.


This usually leads them to pay out-of-pocket for their injury that may be covered if someone else was at fault for the accident. 


You should always seek medical treatment after an accident, no matter how you feel for this exact reason. 


Your chiropractor will be able to diagnose and treat your whiplash injury before it gets worse. 


The best type of doctor to see after a whiplash injury is a Chiropractic Doctor. 


Chiropractors are trained and specialize in treating soft-tissue injuries like whiplash. 


When you see a chiropractor immediately after an accident, they can test right away to see if you suffered a whiplash injury.


If so, they will begin to treat you that very same day.


This can prevent long-term pain and complications from arising due to untreated whiplash injuries.


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Chiropractic Care for Whiplash Injuries in McDonough, GA

Contact the Best Whiplash Chiropractor in McDonough, Georgia 

When you sustain a whiplash injury after an accident, it's essential to seek the help of an experienced chiropractor as soon as you can. 


Having your injury assessed and treated the same day the accident occurs will go a long way to prevent chronic pain. 


Our McDonough Whiplash Chiropractors specialize in treating the victims of whiplash injuries. 


When you come to our clinic in McDonough, GA, you will receive a thorough exam by the chiropractor to determine the best treatment plan for your recovery. 


Our office in McDonough offers free consultations to whiplash injury victims. 


Click the button below to speak with one of our experienced Whiplash Injury Chiropractors today. 


Free McDonough Chiropractic Consultation

Why You Should See a Doctor After Minor Car Accidents in McDonough

If you're a victim of a car accident, you should always see a doctor, even if it was a minor accident.


For your health, safety, and well-being, you should be checked by a professional physician after a car accident.


Even if you aren't displaying any symptoms, it's in your best interest to see a doctor just in case an injury hasn't shown itself yet. 


The release of adrenaline following the accident could be keeping you from feeling your injury symptoms.



In the article below, we will discuss why everyone should see a doctor after a car accident in McDonough.



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Car Accident Doctor in McDonough


Understanding Your Body's Response to a Car Accident

The sudden impact of car accidents can produce a significant amount of force that results in a serious shock to the body. 


The human body is not meant to endure that kind of impact, so it usually leads to a severe injury.


Even in low-speed car accidents that cause little to no damage to vehicles, you are still likely to suffer an injury. 


This is because people rarely see an accident coming, so there is no time to prepare and brace for impact.


This means whiplash or another kind of soft tissue injury is very likely because the sudden impact causes a violent jerking of the neck and body.


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Proactively Treat Injuries 

Many individuals and accident victims do not realize that chemicals like adrenaline can mask many pain and severe injury symptoms.


It's very common that a few days or even weeks later, your pain symptoms will begin to appear.


They will grow increasingly worse if left untreated.


That's why it should be your top priority to see a doctor after a car accident, whether you are currently experiencing any symptoms or not.


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The Importance of Medical Records in Your Accident Injury Lawsuit

If a negligent driver caused your accident, you need to have valid records documenting your injuries and necessary treatments immediately following the accident. 


Medical bills, accident reports, and police reports that were obtained immediately after the accident help your claims process.  


These records are needed for filing a claim with the insurance company.


If you wait longer than two weeks to seek treatment, it will become increasingly more challenging to prove you were injured in your accident.


The insurance company can argue that your injuries were presented too far after the accident occurred.


They will likely claim that because you waited to seek medical care, your injuries were caused by something else.


This alleviates them from fault, so they don't have to pay for your medical treatments.


If you want to receive compensation for your pain and suffering in addition to your medical bills, you must see a doctor or personal injury chiropractor right away.


They will treat your injuries and create proper documentation of your injuries for the insurance company to reference.


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A Lack of Medical Treatment After an Accident Can Be a Complicated Legal Issue

If you were in a car accident caused by a negligent driver, you may be wondering how getting your medical treatment paid for could turn into a complicated legal issue.


Unfortunately, insurance companies make it their top priority to discredit your claim and diminish the severity of your injuries.


We know that pain and injury symptoms do not always present themselves immediately.


However, generally speaking, insurance companies will assume that if you did not see a doctor following the accident, you must not be that hurt.


One of the most critical criteria insurance companies use to evaluate all types of injuries is how quickly you sought and received medical treatment after the accident.


Insurers believe that if an extended period of time passes between the car crash and the initial medical treatment, the claimant could be faking or exaggerating the extent of their injuries. 


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Car Accident Chiropractor in McDonough, GA

Contact Our Premier Auto Accident Chiropractors for Help

If you have been injured in a car accident in McDonough, call our McDonough Car Accident Doctors at Arrowhead Clinic.


Our professional team of doctors in McDonough specializes in car accident injuries.


They also work with insurance companies to help you receive compensation for all of your medical treatments.  


Call Arrowhead Clinic in McDonough today or click on the button below for a FREE Car Accident Injury Consultation!


Free McDonough Chiropractic Consultation


5 Back Care Tips for Physically Demanding Jobs


Article Table of Contents

Demanding Jobs Demand More Core

Proper Shoes

Proper Posture

Avoid Repetitive Motions

Take Breaks

Take Care of Yourself 


Demanding Jobs Demand More Care

For those of us who have or who have had a physically demanding job, we know how important it is to take care of your back.

The back is literally the backbone of the body.

If your back is unable to perform, the rest of your body is also down for the count.

That is why it is so truly essential for those who rely on their physical body to make a living to take exceptionally good care of their back.

That is why here at Arrowhead Clinic McDonough, we have take the time to compose a list of five ways to care for your back in a physically demanding job.


Proper Shoes

On the surface this tip seems a little far from the point.

Your feet are no where near even the lowest vertebrae of your spinal cord.

How can proper footwear make a difference?

It can make all the difference in the world.

Your feet bear the entire weight of your body.

Relieving pressure on yourself starts from the ground up.

By wearing shoes that offer the proper amount of arch support and cushioning one can greatly relieve pressure being placed on ones lower back.

When walking, good shoes will lessen the impact being placed not only on ones back but on their knees and other joints as well.

Good shoes can even provide more comfort and support when one is simply standing in place.

It sounds simple, but a good pair of shoes can make all the difference when performing a rigorous physical task.


Proper Posture

Another way to reduce the strain being placed on ones back is as easy as maintaining a good posture.

This means standing up straight, whenever applicable.

When the spine is straight and aligned it is able to perform all of its necessary functions well and without difficulty.

Another way to relieve strain on the body while standing is to stand with your feet at shoulder width apart.

If you have ever stood for an extended period of time with your heels locked firmly together, you know how badly your feet are going to ache later.

It is far wiser to spread out the amount of weight being placed on each foot by keeping them further apart.


Avoid Repetitive Motions

Depending on the nature of ones work, it is easy to fall into a sort of routine.

If done correctly, this could be a positive. However, only perfect practice makes perfect.

If you are going through your routine, but are using motions that are harmful and put strain on your back your routine is forcing you to pay the price for your efficiency.

In order to keep yourself from injury or further strain, try to avoid repetitive motions that could lead to injury.

A few helpful tips are, lift with your knees.

You should never lift with your back.

Avoid over extending any of your limbs. It is unnecessary and will lead to muscle fatigue and perhaps injury.

Try to be intentional with how you move and how you perform tasks.


Take Breaks

Rest is not a luxury, but a necessity.

Your body requires rest in order to make necessary repairs in order to continue functioning.

It is pivotal that breaks be taken advantage of, if you want to continue working to the best of your abilities.

However, it is not uncommon to find oneself growing tired when there is no period of rest available.

You may not be able to rest your whole self, but you can at least give certain parts of your body a break in order to rejuvenate themselves enough to continue working.

This could be as simple as switching dominate arms, or placing your feet in a different position.

Work smarter, not harder.


Take Care of Yourself

If you rely on your body as part of your work, it is imperative that you take care of it.

You not only owe it to your employer, but to yourself as well.

In this line of work, it is safe to assume that your job provides you with a certain degree of physical exercise.

However, there are other parts of the body that you are not using as much as others during your work.

These parts need attention and exercise too.

The whole point of maintaining proper spinal health is to keep the rest of you healthy as well.

Make a point to exercise all parts of your body to ensure that you can keep working efficiently as long as you need too.

Nutrition also comes into play when it comes to performing optimally for your profession.

Good food means good fuel for your body that can be utilized efficiently allowing you to work the best that you can.

Foods high in fat may lead to feeling sluggy throughout the day.

Whereas, foods high in protein will lead to greater muscle potential.

You need proper exercise and proper nutrition in order to function as best as humanly possible.

You can try one without the other, and no doubt your body will still utilize it, but these two actions work better together.



Everyone relies on their body for their actual life.

However for those of us who have or have had physically demanding jobs, we know that we rely on our bodies for our livelihood.

Understanding, how our bodies work as a whole and on an individual level will ultimately allow us to be better workers and provide for ourselves and our loved ones even more.

Arrowhead Clinic McDonough is more than willing to take this journey of self discovery with you.

Come to our clinic for a free consultation and we’ll work with you to determine what the best practices are for your profession and ultimately what the best practices are for you.