What to Expect During Your First Visit with our Watkinsville Doctors
When you arrive at our clinic, you will need to fill out paperwork which will include a complete medical history and the pain symptoms that you are suffering from.
Some of the questions we ask include:
- When did the pain begin?
- What triggered the pain to start?
- Were you involved in a personal injury accident?
- Did you injure yourself in some way?
- Where are you experiencing the pain?
- What decreases the pain?
- What increases the pain?
- Describe the type of pain:
- Dull
- Sharp
- Throbbing
- Burning
- Does the pain come in waves, or is it continuous?
Once we have an understanding of your medical history, we will complete a thorough exam to evaluate your range of motion, muscle tone, and stability.
The majority of the time our chiropractors require an x-ray exam upon your initial visit. This diagnostic study is done for your safety. Our doctors need to know which vertebrae, discs, and joints in the spine are causing you pain.
Once your exam is complete and the Doctor has reviewed your diagnostic testing, they will present you with your treatment plan.